Property Management Service: Our leasing services include advertising and robust marketing from showing to thorough screening, to tenant selection, and lease signing.
We provide timely rent collection and prompt legal action in the absence of payment, always on-time payment of expenses, and comprehensive financial reporting.
We focus on cost-effective routine and preventative services. Residents submit and track maintenance requests online to resolve issues faster.
Keeping an eye on the condition of your rental property is critical. We can schedule inspections to check on the interior and exterior so that we know what is happening with the condition and if anything needs maintenance.
We make sure your tenants are happy and comfortable by paying swift attention to their requests – the result is better retention.
We think like investors and have the experience in finance and real estate to back it up. Our consultative approach helps you with the decision on how to optimize your investment.
With a client-base in the hundreds, we do not compromise on the importance of providing a personalized touch. When you trust us to be a part of your real estate journey, you are entrusting us with your money and legacy, and we recognize that this ought to be a unique and personal experience. We take it seriously and seek to provide an unreasonable level of high-quality service!
We think like investors with a stake in the game and have decades of experience behind us, which we leverage in delivering this service. Neuma takes the perspective of an owner when managing apartment or condo communities, making sure the properties are impeccably maintained and support an increase in value for owners.
Our modern online portal allows for seamless interaction between clients, customers, and us, and includes robust, yet convenient account management features that appeal to today’s mobile user.